Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Mourns the Loss of Family Matriarch Leah Wangari Muriuki


In a poignant statement, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has expressed profound sorrow following the death of his eldest sister, Leah Wangari Muriuki. Leah, who served as the family matriarch, passed away recently, leaving a significant void in the Gachagua family.

Deputy President Gachagua described Leah as a pillar of strength and compassion for the larger Gachagua family. “Leah has been our mother and the family matriarch; she has taken good care of the larger Gachagua family after the death of our father and our two mothers. We are devastated by the loss of this family head,” he said.

Extending his deepest condolences, Deputy President Gachagua said, “My deepest condolences to her husband, her children, and grandchildren. This is a very difficult week for me as a national leader and a family man.”

The Deputy President highlighted the personal and familial impact of Leah’s passing, acknowledging the challenging times he faces while balancing his responsibilities as a national leader and a grieving family member.

In his message, Deputy President Gachagua also called for divine comfort for all those affected by the loss, both within his family and across the nation. “May the Lord heal our nation and families,” he concluded, emphasizing the need for collective strength and resilience during such trying times.

The news of Leah Wangari Muriuki’s passing has resonated deeply within the community, reflecting the significant role she played in the lives of many. As the Gachagua family mourns, they are joined by numerous well-wishers who share in their grief and offer their support.

Deputy President Gachagua’s heartfelt tribute serves as a reminder of the profound impact that family members have on one another and the enduring bonds that define them. During this period of mourning, the Deputy President’s message underscores the importance of unity and the power of faith in overcoming adversity.

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