Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi Denies Allegations of Massive Harambee Contributions


Kapseret Member of Parliament, Oscar Sudi, has vehemently denied allegations that he contributed Ksh 20 million to various harambees, asserting that such claims are entirely false. The outspoken legislator addressed the accusations during a public statement, clarifying that he has never donated such a significant sum at any fundraising event he attended.

“These allegations are baseless and misleading,” Sudi declared. “I want to set the record straight that I have never contributed Ksh 20 million or any such amount to any harambee. The reports suggesting otherwise are simply untrue.”

Sudi further explained that the confusion may have arisen from a misunderstanding of the total amount raised during these charitable events. “The figures being quoted seem to represent the total collected during the harambees, not my personal contribution,” he emphasized.

The MP, known for his candid remarks, also took the opportunity to criticize individuals who acquire wealth through supernatural or unethical means. “Some rely on sorcerers for overnight riches, but my wealth has been attained through sheer hard work,” he asserted.

Sudi concluded his statement with a proverbial reflection, saying, “Kweli mtoto wa maskini akipata ameiba. Haidhuru Mungu si athumani.” This Swahili saying translates to “Truly, when a poor child succeeds, they are accused of theft. Regardless, God’s blessings are beyond human comprehension.”

The allegations and subsequent denial by Oscar Sudi have sparked a debate among his constituents and the public at large, with varying opinions on the matter circulating across social media platforms. As the controversy continues, Sudi remains resolute in his denial of the hefty contributions attributed to him, urging for accuracy and fairness in reporting such sensitive issues.

Observers note that the clarification by the Kapseret MP underscores the challenges of transparency and accountability in public figures’ charitable engagements, highlighting the importance of accurate information dissemination in the media.

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