Governor Natembeya Announces New Milk Supplier for ECDEs and Promises Development Initiatives in Kwanza


Trans Nzoia County Governor George Natembeya announced significant changes to the milk supply program for Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centers, revealing that the initial supplier lacked the capacity to meet demand. Starting next term, New KCC will take over the distribution of milk to all ECDE centers in the county.

Speaking during Mashujaa Day celebrations at Kapkoi Primary School, Governor Natembeya noted that out of the Ksh. 70 million allocated for the program, only Ksh. 7 million worth of milk had been delivered by the previous supplier, leaving Ksh. 63 million unused. This unutilized budget will now be redirected to New KCC to ensure consistent supply.

In addition to addressing the milk supply, the governor emphasized his administration’s commitment to agricultural support. “We will continue providing free seeds to farmers until we achieve food stability,” he stated. He also announced plans to grade and murram all county roads to improve accessibility.

Furthermore, Governor Natembeya highlighted the successful completion of the Kolongolo-Kiptogot water project, pledging to begin piping and supplying water in Kwanza Subcounty.

In a move to bolster local economies, the governor increased the allocation of the Nawiri Fund to Ksh. 100 million from Ksh. 80 million last year, encouraging community groups to apply for funding. “I am pleased that over 250 groups benefited from the kitty last year, and we urge more to take advantage of this opportunity,” he said.

Natembeya also addressed the ongoing nurses’ strike, urging health workers to return to their duties promptly. He warned that failure to comply would result in the recruitment of new nurses starting next week.

The governor concluded by assuring the community that all markets currently under construction would be completed once the supplementary budget is approved by the county assembly, with fair allocation of market spaces across all 25 wards.

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