A person without a vision is a person without a future- Benjamin Zulu


A person without a vision is a person without a future, and a person who has no future will always return to their past.

To past relationships and past habits. Of course everyone has some ideas of how they would wish their future to turn out like, but for most people those ideas are just there as wishes. A vision, on the other hand, is something that gives bearing to your life choices and how you spend your time everyday.

A vision for the kind of marriage you want, for example, makes you refuse to go back to people you’ve outgrown because you know they can’t give you what you have in mind. And you will not indulge in flings because you know you’ll be cheating against your vision. Also, knowing your searching time is limited you just can’t afford that kind of delay however alluring it is.

This is what makes you literally run away from situations of compromise because you can’t risk a detour. You end up preserving yourself and having a happy love life not because you’re very strong but because you had a compelling vision.

For this reason, always date people who have a clear vision of the kind of family life they want, not someone who is dating just because they’re ‘in love.’

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