Baringo clergy distance themselves from man of god who burnt three minors


Deliverance Church senior clergy have distanced themselves from the man who allegedly inflicted serious burns on three minors by inserting their legs on a hot oven on Tuesday night for stealing.

Speaking to KNA at the Deliverance Church grounds in Kabarnet town Baringo central Sub-County, Reverend John Sawe of Kerio sub-region said the suspect Joseph Mduma who inflicted the nurns as punishment for theft of cakes worth Sh80, is not a member of their church nor a pastor as claimed.

“We are a church that upholds respect for the rule of law and as a leader I know all pastors in my region and Mduma is not one of them,” Sawe said.

Sawe also said that all pastors of the Deliverance church have identity cards and added they are carefully selected after thorough character investigation is done before being ordained to minister the word of God.

He however said Mduma was a pianist in the church a few years back but left under unclear circumstances and therefore not a pastor nor a current member.

Reverend Sawe distanced the church from Mduma and urged media to fact check information before airing.

“The media should rectify this information because they have tainted our good name and we have received many calls from all over the country inquiring about the act,” he added.

He however expressed his concern for the victims who are still admitted at Baringo County referral hospital in Baringo central undergoing treatment for the injuries and wished them quick recovery.

“No one should have to go through this kind of punishment and we are very sorry for these children,” he said.

He urged the community to report offenders to authorities and also show mercy on them since they too belong to the kingdom of God.

Mduma is remanded at Kabarnet Police Station pending investigations and will appear in court for mention on Tuesday May 31, 2022.

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