Construction of Nandi Avocado Aggregation Centre and Pack -House To Commence


The County Government of Nandi through the department of Agriculture and Cooperative Development continues to demonstrate its determination and commitment to investing heavily and promoting avocado farming so as to attract more farmers to venture into the lucrative business for the county’s development.

To achieve this, Governor Stephen Sang’s led administration is taking robust measures including producing and availing quality certified seedlings, promoting mass production, provision of extension services and now construction of Avocado processing and storage facilities.

On Wednesday, the Ag. Chief Officer in charge of Agriculture and Cooperative Development Dr. Samson Bitok led the county engineers among other technical staff from the department in the official handing over of a site earmarked for the construction of Nandi Avocado Aggregation Centre & Packhouse to the project managers & contractors, Interbuild Engineering Ltd Company.

Dr. Bitok urged the contractor to strictly adhere to all the provisions of the contract agreement & stipulated timelines and offer job opportunities to the local residents particularly the youth and women.

The construction works for the facility with a capacity to process and store 22 tonnes of avocado per day is expected to start in earnest and completed in June 2023 at Lolduga area in Lessos Ward, Nandi Hills Sub County.

Speaking during the handing over, the NARIGP County Project Coordinator Mr. Jared Mutai challenged Lessos residents to join the Avocado co-operative movement in the county and increase their acreage under avocado farming noting that there shall be a constant and ready market for their produce once the facility is operational.

The Nandi Hills Assistant County Commissioner ACC Mr Njoroge, made the point that the area community and Nandi at large need to redouble their efforts to establish more Avocado, saying his home county Muranga earned sh 5b last year from avocado.

The project being implemented by the County Government of Nandi through the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project NARIGP seeks to empower and enable smallholder farmers organized under the Nandi Avocado Farmers’ Cooperative Society value add their produce and tap into the avocado 🥑 global market.

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