Devolution Has Transformed Kenyan Lives-Baringo MCA


Devolution has brought a lot of transformation in Kenya as compared to the earlier time when all were centralized

Lembus Perkera Ward Baringo County Kiprono Kennedy applauded those who came up with devolution saying it was a good move.

“I am now employed because of devotional because without I could be jobless,” said Kiprono

The MCA said devolution has made small centers giving an example of Kabarnet the Headquarters of Baringo County.

“Our headquarters in Kabarnet has grown because of devolution all the roads used by the public to access markets, and hospitals are passable”, said kiprono

He added that the health sector has improved by 80 percent because most of the dispensaries in Kenya have maternity wings that help women in every location.

“Mothers are now able to deliver in dispensaries where they can access easily because they have maternity wings “, said MCA

Kiprono said his County has a policy brought out by the MCA of the ECDE feeding program so as to curb the food insecurity in Baringo being known as one county usually affected by hunger.

“We want to help young kids to have food to be stable and have a good environment for learning, “he said

However, Kiprono said Baringo will receive a climate change fund of Sh1 billion which will change, the water sector, farming, and environment of Baringo County in the near future.

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