Discomfort is the Currency of success


Remember discomfort is the currency if success. (Brooke Castillo) To do better you must expect better. You cannot just be contented with formulas and methods that have worked in the past.

You must continually question and wonder about what better can be done, how else can results be achieved. Without unnecessary disruptions or taking too much risks, you must create a way of tinkering and experimenting by the side to see what else is possible.

A quick way to achieve this is to always finish your work ahead of schedule so you have some time for experiments within the working time.

The reason most people are stagnated is because they never make this extra time for trying new things.

To keep yourself dissatisfied and to prevent settling, remind yourself that all your past success is already in the past and yesterday’s fire cannot cook today’s meal. Stay playful and curious as opposed to being settled and serious.

By Benjamin Zulu

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