DP Ruto , Raila Odinga Congratulates Omanyala for Winning 100m in the Commonwealth Games


Deputy president William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga have cdongratulated Ferdinard Omanyala for winning100m in the Commonwealth Games.
Through their official Facebook page they congratulated Omnayala for the great milestone.

“Kenya’s gem and Africa’s fastest man Ferdinand Omanyala gets gold at the Commonwealth Games, clocking 10.02 seconds. What a man! We are proud of you,” said the deputy president.

“Africa’s fastest man, a son of our soil, Ferdinand Omanyala, you have made our entire nation proud. Your victory exemplifies the results of focus, courage, consistency, and sacrifice. Congratulations,”said Raila Odinga.

Kebaso Maosa says” Your Excellency Sir! You mentioned resilience, focus, consistency! That’s you! That’s Raila Odinga. Focused and Resilient years on end.

I, my family and friends will reward you on 9th of August at the ballot Mr. President Sir.
Congratulations Omanyala.CongratulationsH.E. Eng. Raila Amollo Odinga.
The future is luminous. Prince LiamIt’s an add to our beloved nation.
Congratulations to the son of the soil. And to you baba, yours awaits… we’re counting days, hours and minutes,”

Kezia B Says “hat’s awesome! Congratulations! one Wednesday Kenya will cheer you up wen you swear in Mr.president you have it go 4 it ,”

Brian Bogibenda Mutisya “Am the biggest annointed opinion poll man leave alone Tifa infotrack etc,my opinion comes from the Lord, you are going to be the next president of the republic of Kenya, hold on strong Baba”

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