Eldoret: Street Urchins Demonstrate After Their Colleague Was Found Dead


Angry street Urchins in Uasin Gishu County on Monday demonstrated over brutal harassment by County askaris which led to the death of one of the street urchins.

They said that the late Odongo Mayaka,21, was beaten up by the County askaris four days ago during a routine exercise in the ongoing efforts to elevate Eldoret to City status.

Joram Karioki, one of the street family members said, the aggressive intimidation by the County Askaris has intensified since the closure of Champions Market the previous year.

“On Friday, we were ambushed by the Kanjos, Odongo did not manage to run away due to his plastered leg, an injury he got from the previous harassments. The Kanjos caught up with him and ferociously beat him up. Since Friday, he has been complaining of breathing difficulty and he succumbed this morning’’

Joram further said the late Odongo had been taken to the Rescue Center where he sneaked out due to the harsh environment.

“After being caught recently by the Kanjos, he was taken to the rescue center, and he sneaked out days later claiming that he was beaten up. He had visible whip scars on his back. His leg had been broken too. We ask our county government, why is that place called a Rescue Center when all it does is further lapse into a desperate street family member?”

Benson Juma, a Social Activist said the incident is a confirmation of all the atrocities street families have been facing.

“What big mistake has these street families committed enough to justify them being killed by goons hired by the county government? Has poverty been criminalized by the government? Some have been killed and thrown into Sossioni River, only the lucky ones have escaped with injuries, nevertheless, the County Askaris continue to pursue them.” Said Juma.

Kenya National Commission of Human Rights has been called upon by the terrified residents to relentlessly advocate for the rights of the street families.

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