Eldoret Wholesale Market Traders Demonstrate After Their carts alias ‘bang bang’ Were Confiscticated by the County Government


Traders within the Eldoret Wholesale market on Tuesday demonstrated after Uasin Gishu county askaris allegedly confiscated their goods and carts alias ‘bang bang’ at the market last night.

Speaking to the press they said the move is uncalled for and ill-intended and that they are now jobless.
The county government askaris assisted by the national police are said to have destroyed their trolleys and other goods rendering them jobless this morning.

” I received a call last night at 1:00a.m that goods were being vandalized at the market something that is unfair to us yet there was no notice. We have been struggling as a youth to make ends meet, we struggled a lot the last ten years under the leadership of the former governor Jackson Mandago who is the current senator where we were mistreated by the county askaris and we are not going to allow this kind of behavior again,” said one of the Traders.

Jane Mbone a trader at the Retail market says the youth have acquired loans of up to Ksh 100,000 in order to carry out business within the market but unfortunately many of them have been left jobless after the county askaris took away their bang bangs last night.

“I am afraid we are going to experience a lot of insecurity if the county government continues to harass these young traders, many of them are learned and due to lack of jobs they have decided to engage fruits selling business to earn a living only to be harassed by the county askaris, we hoped the hustler government would support the small traders” noted Mbone .

Some of the affected traders have threatened to continue staging protests within the Eldoret central Business district until the county government responds to their pleas.
“The action caused shock to these hustlers some of them have been hospitalized at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital .

” one of us fainted when he saw his bang bang gone and now he is in hospital, where are we headed as a county if the same government is killing our hustle. Some of us have taken loans to run these businesses ,”said Milka Wanjiku a trader.

The Huruma ward member of the county assembly Kimani Wanjohi condemned the incident demanding the county askaris be more responsible while dealing with the traders , Wanjohi has called on the Uasingishu Governor Jonathan Bii to hold talks with the traders and ensure their businesses are supported by the government.

“Traders had a difficult ten years under the regime of the former Governor Jackson Mandago who is the current senator and we hoped that the current Governor Jonathan Bii would be true to his promise of protecting business traders from perpetual harassment by the county askaris” said Wanjohi.

He urged the County government of Uasin Gishu to bring back the bang bang failure to which they will demonstrate to ensure that they are heard rd.

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