How a random tweet from a stranger introduced Jenipher to Money


Losing a job this Coronavirus pandemic period may result in one being so depressed and sometime can result in domestic wrangles between couples.

After losing her job just three month ago when the first case of Covid-19 struck the country, Jenipher who is my neighbor continued to wonder if she will ever survive in town. She even thought of doing some online courses to upgrade her professional profile to attract potential employers. However, this is how she is wading the tough times.

For eight years, Jenipher was employed at an educational non-governmental organisation as a Programme Officer.
She earned a good salary and was under a renewable contract. “My contract was renewable and I was destined to have a great career future,” says Jenipher, who is in her mid-thirties.

All this changed late last year when her contract was not renewed. “It was such a big blow. I had not seen it coming,” says the mother of one. “But I took it as it came.”

As the reality that she had lost her job continued to sink deep, Jenny, as she is usually referred to by colleagues, wondered how she would fend for her family. Things were getting terribly messy and out of hand!

So barely a week after losing her job at the NGO, she began to explore what she could do to continue earning a living. Some friends lured her to join them in prostitution. She tried for afew weeks but it just was never her cup of tea; it never worked for her after clients who picked her from town gang raped her in Githunguri Kiambu County. She contemplated taking her own life. In fact after the incident that saw no body arrested, she was hospitalized for three weeks.

Luckily she came out of hospital and tested negative of all STDS. After resting for another three weeks, she started again thinking of what she could do to put food on the table. She tried online activities, job interviews and all manner of work at home but luck was yet to knock. She remained frustrated quiet a lot.

When a life solution comes no one knows, it comes like the Bible says a ‘thief’. Jenipher, according to her narration, was sited at her home lonely and pondering what next when a random tweet from a stranger landed on her tweeter handle. It was talking about traditional doctors.

Doctors who heal people using Spells and native medicines. Someone by the name Wilfridah had been healed by a renowned traditional medical doctor by the name of Mugwenu.
The herbal doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Mugwenu Doctors say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing: They will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

Jenipher went to him, spells were conducted and in just a very short time her life started improving and was called to another better paying job. Upto now she can’t forget Mugwenu.

“I Thank the Daktari a lot. He helped me come back to good life. I am so grateful,” he was quoted severally.

Should you find that things are not working as you want them to, just connect with Mugwenu Doctors. Call – +254740637248. Website – Email:
And once more remember you don’t have to move looking for his services especially when we have threatening pandemics like the Coronavirus.

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