I Spend Years Becoming A Witch, The Results Were Worrying, And Luckily Kiwanga Doctors Came To My Rescue


In the begging of this year, I could have given up booze and bacon, or embarked on a punishing new fitness regime. But this seemed too harsh for the drab days of January and besides, I had more ambitious plans for personal transformation. Of turning myself into a witch.

At the opening of a scary new decade, we are in the midst of resurgent interests in all things mystic.Superstitious or more than all little bit woo.Witchcraft is also having something of a moment, refitted for the age of self-care as a way for women to reconnect with themselves and the natural world. Also witchcraft is one of the strongest trends in the mind body spirit; category and the interest show no signs of abating.While never knowingly on the trend it took me five years to attempt a jumpsuit- I decided, for once to seize the cultural zeitgeists. I picked up a copy of the newly published book, how to become a witchand set my cynical self a new year, new me challenge. Right. This witching business.

One of the things I need along with suspicion of belief in scientific underpinnings of the universe is an altar. Not to sacrifice a got upon-no, this book is whither than a student union. Since I was well into my first week as a witch, I decided the time was ready to attempt my first spell.

None of the magic incantations listed involved putting a pox on my enemies, which was going to be a relief to the landlord who has failed to fix my broken boiler; they’re all perky personal growth exercises. After a skim, I settled on a burning and burnishing spell, This involved writing down worries or unwanted personality traits on a piece of paper, then setting fire to it. Next to tax return I placed knee-jerk scoffing cynicism. I would have set it on fire but I was to waste a match.

After I did all that I started notice its power, my enemies that I had their names on the paper that I did witchcraft to, started having boils all over their body, I was happy I knew that I had become powerful, having some supernatural powers, just to punish anyone from a distant and they won’t even notice it’s me who was doing it to them, They were taken to hospital after hospital, but no change took place, the doctors said that they were in a position not to change what was going on with them.

They were in pain and suffering, but on my side I was feeling like a little god, Most of the time I spent it in my compound that I never guaranteed an access to. I became powerful to a point that I could change my physical formation to different kind of animals and terrorizepeople during the night. That became my hobby I would be moving from place to place in the night, visiting various homesteads just terrorizing people, one day my magic stopped working in the middle of the night, I was arrested and taken to the police station, luckily they were not able to recognize who I was and escaped when my magic returned.

Though I noticed something different with my body, though my magic returned but couldn’t speak, I had become dumb, there I was just quite, My wife new I was practicing witchcraft, she noticed that something was wrong, she tried to rescue me by reversing the condition but it became difficult, after a week boils started to show up all over on my body, It was such a painful experience that ever took place in my life.

witch craft had turned against me, how would this be possible, my wife moved up and down looking for ways to cure me but the state was irreversible, One day as she was strolling at kaka mega shopping Centre she saw a porstar advertising kiwanga doctors herbal doctors who deal in curing witch craft spells, he took their contacts and gave them the information about my condition, doctor kiwanga told her that it was easy, I will get well, After two days I received power from kiwanga doctors that healed everything, am back to my normal condition, from that day I said no to witchcraft, thanks to kiwanga doctors, I advise with such related problems to visit kiwanga doctors for a solution and thank me later.

They also treat various illnesses like Tuberculosis, Lung cancer and many others they are also talented in casting powerful spells like money spell, Success spell and many other spells.

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