I will Table a Bill in Parliament to allocate funds for rehabilitation centers- Nominated MP Joseph Wainaina


Nominated Member of Parliament, Joseph Wainaina now says he will table a bill in parliament that will enable the government to allocate funds for rehabilitation centers in the country.

This follows the surge in the number of alcohol victims in the country.
Speaking during the graduation of about 50 reformed alcoholics at Jireh Faith-Based Rehabilitation Centre, MP Wainaina says alcohol drinking has brought so much loss to society.

According to him, rehabilitation centers are being run by individuals in the private sector who are not able to explore rehabilitation needs fully.

“No one can explore rehabilitation needs fully because there are about one million people who are affected by alcohol addiction. If the government does not intervene, there will be no nation in the future,” said Wainaina.
“I used to drink alcohol, sleep by the roadside, and disagree with my family because of alcohol. Since I met Rev Maina Njagi, the proprietor of Jireh faith-based rehabilitation center, I have reformed”. Narrates peter Mbugua, one of the reformed alcoholics.

For Peter Mwangi, another reformist, alcohol and drug abuse cost him his family. “I had a family and we separated because of drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol has drawn me back financially and socially”

Peter’s turning point came when he one day drank excessively and upon waking up, found himself at the hospital. Too much alcohol consumption led to him insulting his doctor when he advised him to stop drinking alcohol.

ous leaders led by Bishop Elijah Gatene are blaming the police and other security agencies for their reluctance, and for taking bribes from illicit brewers, in exchange for continued operations. He has therefore called on the government to curb illicit brewing operations.

According to NACADA in Kenya, the Nairobi region is leading in the prevalence of current usage of alcohol by 17.5% followed by Eastern 14.3% and Western 13.4% regions.

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