If you’re Planning on Getting Married stop Adding children- Benjamin Zulu


Again ladies, if you’re planning on getting married stop adding children. Most men I meet don’t want to marry a clan. If you already have one child you’re still eligible for a good guy from the larger number of bachelors who have never married before. One child most people will understand. Things happened and you learnt.

But the moment you add a second or a third now your catchment shifts to those men who are on a subsequent marriage or they have their own children already. Even if you’ve never been married yourself. And these ‘second timers’ form a smaller social group and searching there is a lot harder.

And I’m not saying you cannot be happy with your children alone without a man. I’m just saying that you plan your life and think carefully about what you’re doing. Do not contradict yourself by doing things that don’t advance you in the path you want.
Some women make outrightly stupid decisions based off of emotions like a ‘baby fever’ and when reality hits they become salty and bitter with everyone.

If you say you feel lonely and then decide to add a second or third child, fir example, do not then turn around to complain that men are chickening out when they learn about your children. Choose one life and make yourself happy in it.

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