Jenga Mkenya Movement Leader Reuben Kigame Condemns Anomalies in KCPE Results and Calls for Urgent Action


Reuben Kigame

In a fervent statement, Jenga Mkenya Movement leader Reuben Kigame has expressed his profound dismay and grave concerns over the glaring anomalies that have marred the recently released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results. Kigame’s impassioned remarks highlight the gravity of the situation and underscore the need for immediate and decisive action from the Ministry of Education (MoE) to rectify these discrepancies.

Kigame’s chief contention centers on the inexplicable plummet in the marks of the top-performing student in the nation. This drastic decline, coupled with the sudden surge in performance of previously underperforming schools, has raised serious questions about the integrity of the marking process, casting a shadow of doubt over the entire examination system.

Kigame’s accusation of deliberate undermarking of private schools to artificially elevate the performance of public institutions adds fuel to the fire. This allegation stems from the observation that private schools, known for their consistently high academic standards, have seen their students’ marks inexplicably dip, while public schools, often associated with lower performance, have inexplicably exhibited remarkable improvements.

Furthermore, Kigame points to the inconsistency in grading that deviates significantly from students’ previous academic records. This disruption in the established grading trajectory only serves to further erode public confidence in the KCPE evaluation process.

To address these deeply concerning issues, Kigame emphatically calls on the MoE to undertake a comprehensive re-marking of the KCPE exams. This meticulous exercise is essential to ensure that every student receives their rightfully earned marks, reflecting their true academic prowess. Additionally, Kigame urges the MoE to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged irregularities, identifying and holding accountable any individuals or entities involved in any wrongdoing.

Beyond addressing the immediate concerns, Kigame advocates for implementing long-term measures to enhance the accuracy and consistency of grading in the KCPE. This includes establishing clear and transparent grading criteria, training examiners rigorously, and introducing rigorous quality control measures throughout the marking process.

In addition to these measures, Kigame stresses the importance of ensuring equity in resource allocation and support for all schools, regardless of their ownership or location. Providing equal opportunities for all students to access quality education is paramount to fostering a just and meritocratic education system.

Kigame’s impassioned plea echoes the sentiments of parents, teachers, and education stakeholders across the country. The integrity of the KCPE, a crucial determinant of students’ futures, cannot be compromised by irregularities and inconsistencies. The MoE must heed Kigame’s call for urgent action to restore public trust and ensure that the KCPE truly reflects the academic achievements of all Kenyan students

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