”Just marry someone who loves Jesus This is A Big Lie- Benjamin Zulu


Benjamin Zulu

”Just marry someone who loves Jesus; other things can be fixed…’ a very fat and misleading lie. You also know from experience that you’re not emotionally compatible with all Christians and it’s ridiculous to even imagine it.

We’ve all been to places or fellowships where there were a number of other single and saved people but you felt zero connection with them. And you knew marrying them just because they were ‘on fire for God’ would condem you to a loveless prison of a marriage.

Some of them you even found their mannerisms and behaviours to be irritating and intolerable. Or you differed in goals of life and degrees of growth. Or directions of your careers. Some people are also very immature and even holding a conversation with them is very difficult, their faith not withstanding.

Imagine someone asking you to just close your eyes to these critical issues and marry them? Chemistry cannot be forced. If you don’t click, you just don’t. Some people’s idea of marriage is not a union of love but a dry arrangement just for social image and bearing children. As for you, insist on marrying for companionship and true love, and nothing less.

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