Leveraging the right technology for seamless collaboration


By Veerakumar Natarajan, Country Head, Zoho Kenya

In recent years, collaboration has emerged as a top priority for organizations—and for good reason. Research indicates that companies with strong collaborative skills are twice as likely to experience revenue growth as those with weak collaborative abilities. However, achieving optimal collaboration is not always a straightforward task.

Contrary to popular belief, the effectiveness of collaboration is not solely determined by whether a team works in-office or remotely. Exceptional levels of collaboration can be achieved by both fully remote and fully on-site organizations, just as poor collaboration can hinder progress in either setting. The true differentiator is the company’s ability to foster effective communication and a company culture that supports collaboration from any location.

The power of effective communication
To truly appreciate the potency of effective communication, it is crucial to acknowledge the detrimental consequences that poor communication can inflict upon organizations.

A 2022 study found that US companies lose around $1.2 trillion annually due to poor and inefficient communication. That’s alarming when you consider that the same study found the average office employee spends nearly half of their 40-hour work week on written communication alone.

Consider the immense potential for businesses to optimize their operations and fuel growth by addressing communication issues. By eliminating obstacles to effective communication, organizations can create a positive ripple effect, leading to job creation and substantial contributions to the economy.

First, however, it is essential to understand the causes of communication breakdowns. While challenges may vary across organizations, several common factors often contribute to the problem. These include inadequate systems for remote and hybrid work, siloed teams and departments, information gatekeeping, and a dearth of constructive feedback mechanisms.

While technology may not be a panacea for all communication challenges, it can play a pivotal role in mitigating these issues. By leveraging appropriate technological solutions, organizations can significantly enhance communication processes and foster a culture of effective collaboration.

The right tech, implemented correctly, can make a massive difference
Efficient collaboration software serves as a catalyst for breaking down organizational silos, facilitating seamless communication and enabling access to a centralized repository of files, folders, and documents. The impact extends beyond internal communication, as collaboration software also empowers employees to work on shared documents regardless of their locations—whether they’re in the office, at home, or in between conference sessions.

This collaborative approach also expedites project delivery and approval processes. Rather than waiting for documents from other departments, teams can collaborate on the document simultaneously. This approach fosters the cohesive integration of diverse contributions. Moreover, it ensures everyone is working on the latest version of a document, further optimizing operational efficiency.

In addition to streamlining communication and document collaboration, collaboration software offers valuable features for workload management, ensuring an equitable distribution of assignments and preventing overload among team members. When management can effectively track individual workloads, workflows remain clear and the likelihood of achieving deliverables is significantly enhanced. Furthermore, top-tier collaboration software facilitates seamless integration and scalability, simplifying data synchronization and sharing, and accommodating the addition of new users as organizations expand.

An international study conducted by Deloitte revealed that workplace collaboration generates substantial cost savings for companies. The study highlighted that collaborating on tasks and sharing ideas alone is valued at $1,660 per employee annually, while the quality improvements resulting from workplace collaboration are valued at $2,517 per employee each year. These figures underscore the tangible benefits that effective collaboration software brings to organizations.

Make the most of tech’s advances
What truly matters is cultivating a culture that embraces the essence of effective collaboration. This can be achieved by ensuring that every individual within the organization has access to the necessary tools for seamless collaboration with their colleagues, irrespective of their physical location. By prioritizing the provision of robust collaboration tools and technologies, organizations empower their workforces to transcend geographical barriers and collaborate effortlessly, regardless of the work arrangement adopted.

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