North Rift Region Leads in the Subsidized Fertilizer Uptake


Farmers in North Right are at the forefront of securing fertilizer under the subsidy program.

According to a report released by Kenya National Trading Corporation, Uasin Gishu county takes the lead with 402,366 bags, Trans Nzoia 240,097 bags, Nakuru 213,242 bags, Nandi 109,190 bags and Narok 108,321 bags.

The report indicates that by the 10th of June,3,050,731 bags of fertilizer worth Ksh 10.7 billion had been released to 40 counties.

The program run via e-voucher has seen more than 1.2 million of top dressing fertilizer released to forty counties with Uasin Gishu county still leading, having already secured 281,990 bags.

“Trans Nzoia with 276,855 bags, Bungoma 116,945bags, Nandi 73,082 bags, Nakuru 72,335 bags and Kakamega 63,166 bags have been impressed with the number of farmers redeeming the e-vouchers,” said Pamela Mutua, KNTC Managing Director.

Mutua also urged farmers across the country to secure fertilizer while the stock still lasts for top dressing and in preparation for the coming planting season.

“We are calling on farmers to continue purchasing fertilizer from our depots as it is still available. We still have a total of 736,141 bags in our stores,” said the Managing Director.

The fertilizer subsidy is a program by the government aimed at helping farmers access cheaper fertilizer with the cost having been cut from about Sh 7,000 per 50 kg bag to Sh 3500.

The program was under President Ruto’s agenda to reduce the cost of production leading to bumper harvest hence lowering the cost of food prices.

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