Over 370 Youths Trained Under ‘Bodaa Salama Project’


Ladies are the most disadvantaged group in the male dominated bodaboda industry as stake holders encouraged to empower them to join and actively participate in the industry that is popular for providing self-employment opportunity to many unemployed youths in Kenya.

In a project dubbed‘Bodaa Salama Project’, more than 370 youths under the umbrella of 10 self-help groups are a happy lot after Global Civic Sharing, an International Development NGO, trained them on motorcycle road safety and gave them motorcycle riding gears to improve safe bodaboda transportation for all.

The three year project which started in 2021 also provided education to the youth bodaboda operators on human rights and gender sensitivity empowering them to observe traffic laws and to respect and uphold the rights of all other road users including their customers.

Among the beneficiaries are 30 women bodaboda operators. Even though many women fear working in the bodaboda business due to harassment, the 30 women bodaboda operators were trained and given driving licenses and have been earning their livelihood from the bodabodabusiness despite challenges from their male counterparts.

The project manager Samuel Kioko said the beneficiaries have been empowered and they have been creating awareness and conducting trainings on road safety to make sure that they sustain themselves and that more bodaboda operators get the opportunity to learn and apply the Bodaa Salama Principles long after the completion of the Bodaa Salama Project.

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