Police Arrest Samuel Gona Kaingu alias Foolish Involved in cases of robbery in Mombasa



Police have arrested a wanted criminal Samuel Gona Kaingu alias Foolish who has been involved in various cases of robbery in Mombasa.

According to DCI report, the suspect was arrested within the precincts of the Mombasa Law Courts.

“The officers had gotten wind that the 21-year-old miscreant would be attending a court hearing for an on-going criminal case. The information volunteered by a concerned member of the public turned out to be true, when the thug strolled into the court compound before noticing the presence of our hawk-eyed men,” the DCI Facebook post read.

In a poetic turn of events, “Foolish” lived up to his alias by making the costly decision to flee, much to the pleasure of the fast charging Likoni-based crime busters. It wasn’t long before they floored him and whisked him to a waiting police motor.

The suspect will be arraigned in court to answer to various charges of robbery with violence, reported vide O/B numbers 26/02/11/2021, 17/16/11/2021,17/17/11/2021.

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