Police officer-turned thief gets nabbed in spectacular style trying to commit a robbery, begs for mercy as more details emerge


Papa Charlie (Police Constable) Robert Kioko was familiar with the ins and outs of the local law enforcement apparatus. He also knew how to get the job done. He knew all the thugs in town and how or where to get them. He claimed to have an inside man within the gangs but the truth is he was the inside man. He operated with them, selectively wiping out the competition and ensuring his Alpha Male status. He had a pack of loyal wolves behind him ready to pounce on anyone who sneezes in their direction. Guns and ammunition, check.
Police uniforms, check. Intel on where to hit with minimum resistance, check!! There was literally no robbery they couldn’t do. For the night is dark and full of terrors (not my words). During the day, he was enforcing the law; utumishi Kwa wote. At night, he was breaking it; uvamizi kivyovyote.

Any piece of evidence gathered against them is either tampered with or disappears. The bigger the robberies, the bigger their reputation. They were called the “Money Mongers”. Well, truth be told. When you take forcefully without permission, you also give even more without your affirmation too.

It was during a robbery at a local supermarket when things went bollocks. They got in as usual, picked the necessary valuables and then it was time to get out. Only that there was no door!! How did we get in?? They searched and searched, nothing. They kept going in circles until 7am in the morning when the Watchmen came in.

They were so exhausted they forgot about the guns they had. Their robbery failed in spectacular fashion. Robert was arrested and jailed alongside his money mongers.

What baffled many was how the whole thing unfolded. Turns out the owner of the supermarket had used KAZIMOTO DOCTORS’ protection spells. He feared he was going to be hit soon so he contacted him to seek his services. A fellow supermarket owner in Nakuru recommended him, praising his astute powers and effective spells.

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