Put Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al Adha in the Constitution as National Holidays


CIPK Northrift Chairman Abubakar Bini

The Muslim cleric now wants President William Ruto to consider putting Eid-al Fitr and Eid-al Adha as National Holidays in the Constitution.

According to Kenya National Fatwa Council Deputy Chairman, Sheikh Abubakar Bini, recognition of these monumental days in the Muslim calendar by the government will help avoid future complications in the celebrations of these days.

“We are requesting the government to put into constitution these two public holidays of Eid-al Fitr and Eid-al Adha, this will prevent the two factions of Muslims from celebrating on two different days,” stated Bini.

Bini added that the act of waiting for new approvals of these holidays each and every year from the so present Cabinet Secretary should be a thing of the past.

“This is causing havoc since one has to write a letter requesting for the public holiday approval to be scheduled according to their own opinion and point of view, which is uncalled for and ill-intended,” said Bini.

Bini has had his sentiments that this havoc is a result of the two distinctive follow-ups of the international calendar and that of the surrounding locality calendar; which unifies Kenyan Muslims and those from East Africa.

According to Bini, putting these two holidays into the constitution will pave the way to avoid recurrent writing of letters which have been attributed to the delay and current interruption of the Kenyan Muslim Eid-al Adha celebrations.

Bini’s plea to the government comes after the government approved their request to declare Eid-al Adha a public holiday after several requests on the same from the Muslim Community and this is aimed at restoring a harmonious Muslim calendar.

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