Risks You Must Take if You Want to be Rich and Free


Believe me “Rich and successful people are not born, they are made”, either you are rich or poor, both are the result of your actions.

According to research 80% of the richest and most successful people in the world today are born poor, and they built their wealth from scratch.

There are common traits among the rich and successful, which includes the act of taking risks.

I will be sharing with you some of the risks rich people do take which you can also emulate to be successful.

*1. Daring the unfamiliar*

For you to be successful in life you need to come out of your comfort zone. Coming out of your comfort zone is not as easy as you just read it. You need a lot of courage to dare it.

Leaving your comfort zone is like an adventure into the forest, you will get across so many challenges but the more you face them, the more you grow.

I dare you to get out of your comfort zone today and start that business.

*2. Enduaring Failure*

The only thing we see in rich and successful entrepreneurs are the freedom and wealth, but we have never considered the amount of failure and rejection that they had to endure before they got there.

In the book “failing forward” it was explained that the more you fail the more you get closer to your goals, because failure shows you the way not to do something.

And the more you know the way things should not be done the more you have insight on how it should be done.

Thomas Edison failed 10,000 time before he invented the light bulb. I failed in the business world for over 5 years and so are other successful entrepreneurs, but the general trait among them is, they never give up.

*3. Loneliness*

You see for you to achieve significant success, you have go against the crowd, this means doing what everyone you know is not doing, and this always makes the journey to success a lonely one.

It’s said that entrepreneurs are lone rangers because they always find themselves alone in their battles. It’s not easy to find someone to believe in you when you think big.

Remember “If you are not losing friends, you are not progressing”

*4. Adapt to discomfort*

Before Gold shines it has to pass through fire. Before you can achieve any significant success, you have to go through hard times and you must learn to adapt to the hard times, this will make you to endure easily and never give up.

*5. Being single*

This doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve success with a partner in your life, what I’m saying is that you must avoid toxic relationships, you must never date someone with a poor mindset or less serious person.

It’s better to stay single than to date someone who is not serious about life.

*6. Starting again*

This is like saying you are climbing a mountain and you later discovered that you are climbing the wrong mountain. You will need to climb down and restart again.

Same thing in the journey of success. You are prone to make a mistake which will require you to start your journey all over again.

Example you have been selling a product for years and later discovered it’s not what people want, you will have to start again and start selling what they want.

This has been a big issue for so many people in life, because they are afraid of starting again or afraid of even taking the first step to try, because they are thinking what if it’s the wrong mountain to climb.

If you really desire success, you must learn how to always look deep into your journey and restart if necessary.

*7. Being rejected*

There may be a time in your journey which you will need to approach people for financial assistance, and majority of them might reject you and you will be hurt and disappointed, but you should never let that feeling discourage you from trying again and again.

This is also an obstacle to some people’s success in life, they often feel ashamed to approach people for help or for capital.

It’s advisable you read books about negotiation and networking, so that you can build yourself on how to approach people.

*8. Burning your bridges*

This is the most powerful trait in all successful people, this means you focus on one activity till you succeed.

A dullard who is persistent is more guaranteed to succeed than a brilliant person who gives up easily.

For you to be successful in life, you must be ready to focus on one activity without looking left or right till you succeed.

Many people are poor today because they jump from pillar to polls. They start blogging this year and jump to forex next year and jump to vlog the following year, all because they fail to understand that they have to stick on a particular activity for long time till they succeed.


Always remember this eight points every day of your life.


Timothy Angwenyi
Business Consultant

Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

Post Author

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