President Ruto orders police to Deal with Cattle Rustlers in Turkana


President Dr. William Ruto has ordered security agencies to deal “with bandits who reportedly killed 10 administration officers in Turkana.
He says a multi-agency team will be deployed to restore normalcy.

On his official Facebook page he wrote “After receiving a comprehensive report on the Turkana/Pokot incident that led to 10 security/administration officers losing their lives, I have instructed security agencies to deal firmly, decisively, and conclusively with those involved. Cattle rustling will stop na sio tafadhali,”

The incident occurred at Namariat near Kakiteitei village when the security convoy that comprised General Service Unit (GSU), National Police Reservists (NPRs) and general duty personnel were pursuing the bandits that had earlier attacked Ngikengoi village in Katilia Ward.
His post received mixed reactions here are some of their comments.
Afande Peter Mungai “We sympathise with the families of the fallen heroes.

Mr. President with love that you have for us police n the hustler I know you have what it takes,”

Mark Kangogo “That is the spirit we want. Let action begin. Don’t be called aside by Kamket to reduce the speed. Tell him you will talk after the issue has been settled,”

Otieno Japis Wuod Salome “We urge you Mr. President to reduce social media PR and focus more on actions.We believe that Kenya will be great under you. If you want to tap here,just tap.See more,”

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