Most men take too long to detect narcissism in women and this makes them very easy prey. Watch out for the signs below.

1. She uses sex to lure you into the relationship. She may invite herself to your place for a sleepover, or she may dress highly provocatively and initiate intimacy. The moment she gets you to sleep with her she suddenly develops a very huge entitlement as if she’s already your woman. Suddenly you discover that her jealousy is over the roof and her capacity for drama and chaos is dreadful. You don’t exactly remember getting into a relationship but you’re already bound.

She will harass you when you try to break free and she will use one terrorist-like tactic- intimidation and tiring you off. She will cause so much havoc that you get tired and surrender, every time.

2. She is extremely demanding for your money. She doesn’t care about your needs or whatever situation you’re in. If you’re careless enough to get a child with her, that’s a sentence of torture running for twenty-plus years.

3. Most female narcissists are covert narcissists. This type is symbolised by a serpent and it slithers silently and their energy is venom. She will stalk and track your communication and severely punish any female coming close to you. You will be the victim of her intense paranoia and possessiveness.

But remember to a narcissist sex is only a trap. She can never give you enough of it because she cannot countenance making you happy. These people have a kind of internal inferno of self hatred and they cannot stand making anyone happy. She will weaponize sex as a tool of emotional torture and control. She uses it only as a means to get what she wants. Otherwise you will go for months without it, even when you’re married.

3. She compares you with other men like ‘A real man would do abcd.’ Or ‘If you loved me you would do this and that. My Ex used to do this and that for me.’

If you catch her lamenting how miserable you are and you immediately suggest an amicable breakup then she suddenly changes the argument to ‘You never want to work on this relationship’ and so on.

4. She uses her feminine charm to deceive the world about what a nice person she is, so that nobody can believe your stories. This is the proof that she’s conscious of what she’s doing. Narcissists are not ‘helplessly sick people,’ or else they would behave the same way everywhere. But they suddenly change to a very nice person when there’s someone else. The moment visitors leave, for instance, they return to their cruel ways.

Narcissists are consciously mean and selfish.

5. What is she after? Your very life.
Do not think just because she’s a woman that you can ‘manage’ her. This is a deranged person and the endless drama and stress alone can wear you down to death.

And she will not improve. If you get children with her you’ll be bringing them into a total hell.

Not every woman who got pregnant for you is good for a wife. And not everyone you like can make a wife. Some people are just unstable and impossible. Even if they trap you the first time do not attempt building a life with them.

(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global)

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