Soy MP Hits at the Supreme Court for Barring Senior Counsel Ahmed Nassir


Soy Member of Parliament David Kiplagat has condemned the supreme court for permanently barring senior counsel Ahmed Nassir from appearing before it.

This is they said is because of his consistent attack on the Court and Judges.

But the Soy legislator termed the move as uncalled for and ill intended.

“Wonders will never end. The apex court in the land can wake up one day, Imagine a case that no one has filed with them and issue a unanimous decision to bar a senior counsel from ever setting foot in the supreme Court just because the lawyer exercising is freedom of expression and speech enshrine in the constitution under the Bill of rights, ” he said.

Kiplagat wondered who were the litigants, when the case was filed and when did the accused appear in the supreme Court to defend himself and that does such libel matters begin at the supreme Court.

“The ruling for lack of a better name smacks of the overreach the Judiciary have become from policy makers to legislation. Supreme Court is a product of the people and belongs to Kenyans and cannot be converted to anyone’s bedroom who decide who can go in or out,” the Soy legislator said.

” We are calling upon the apex court to rethink on their decision who no one had invited them to rule on. The rule of fair administration of Justice requires that any member of the bench who might feel offended should just do the honourable thing and excuse himself from the case or file libel charges against the accused person,” noted the Soy legislator.

He further said the decision might compete for the 9th wonders of the world and should be reversed forthwith.

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