Sports CS launches a Legacy program targeting over 6,000 youths


The programme dubbed “Making Champs of Tomorrow” aims at creating a vibrant sporting space for the young people to nurture their sporting talent for the world’s biggest stages

Ministry of sports Cabinet Secretary, Ambassador Amina Mohamed, has today launched a legacy program that seeks to initiate the discovery and growth of various sports disciplines in primary and secondary schools across the country.

The programs target over 6000 school-going children aged between 8-16 years who will be introduced to basketball, volleyball, rugby, football, short distance, and long-distance running.

The participants will be required to showcase their skills through mini tournaments in the form of a pentathlon circuit and later awarded with medals.

Commenting on the program, Sports Cabinet Secretary AMB. Amina Mohamed noted that the program will work to establish the influence of sports in Kenyan youth empowerment programmes across primary and high school students

“Our legacy program is aimed to nurture a young and exciting generation of sport enthusiasts across all sports disciplines and offer them the right exposure to their areas of interest. I would love to see Kenyan sports men and women among top players on the global stage and I believe this country is capable of producing top-level footballers, volleyball players among others just like we do in athletics. it’s all about “Making Champions of Tomorrow,” said Amina.

“This program will also provide a platform that is designed to offer an all-inclusive training that provides other aspects towards making good players who are not just good in skills but also emphasizing in all essential ingredients towards developing elite players. We will have a team of scouts, coaches, authorities, and other partners on ground to enable us tap into a vast pool of upcoming talent and build strong talent feeder systems for the Kenyan league and national teams.” Amina added.

The legacy program is scheduled to traverse over 15 towns across the country. The talent search initiative is the first among many that the Ministry of sports will be implementing in Kenya as part of their broader sports development strategy.

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