Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii Celebrates Record Own Source Revenue of Ksh 1.4 Billion


In a groundbreaking achievement for Uasin Gishu County, Governor Jonathan Bii proudly announced that the region has surpassed expectations by reaching a record Own Source Revenue of Ksh 1.4 billion for the first time.

This remarkable milestone, attributed to the dedication of hardworking residents who diligently fulfilled their tax obligations, marks a significant boost for the county’s financial standing and its ability to enhance service delivery.

Governor Bii expressed his profound gratitude to the residents of Uasin Gishu County for their unwavering support and commitment to contributing towards the county’s development. He emphasized that this achievement validates the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between the government and its citizens in driving economic growth and sustainable development.

“The achievement of Ksh 1.4 billion in Own Source Revenue is a testament to the trust and confidence that our residents have placed in our administration,” Governor Bii stated during a press conference held at the county headquarters. “Their contributions through taxes have enabled us to significantly bolster our capacity to provide essential services and infrastructure that are crucial to improving the quality of life for all residents.”

Governor Bii outlined that the increased revenue will be strategically allocated towards key priorities outlined in his Nguzo Kumi agenda, which focuses on crucial sectors such as healthcare, education, infrastructure development, and social welfare. He highlighted plans to accelerate ongoing projects and initiate new initiatives aimed at further enhancing service delivery and promoting sustainable development across Uasin Gishu County.

Furthermore, Governor Bii reassured residents of his administration’s unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability in the management of public funds, ensuring that every shilling generated is prudently utilized for the benefit of the community.

The achievement of Ksh 1.4 billion in Own Source Revenue underscores Uasin Gishu County’s position as a beacon of economic progress and responsible governance within Kenya. Governor Jonathan Bii concluded the announcement with a renewed call for continued cooperation and solidarity among all stakeholders in advancing the county’s development agenda for the prosperity and well-being of all residents.

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