It is a union between one man and one woman publicly acknowledged, permanently sealed and physically consummated.

It’s defined as a union but that’s just the beginning. Here are eight things that marriage is all about:

Marriage is having a partner to stand by through thick and thin. It doesn’t matter if your children are driving you insane or you’ve had a tough day at work – your spouse is always there to lift you up( Ecc. 4:9-10).

Marriage is being content. Whether you’re sharing a meal together or watching TV, you don’t want to be anywhere else but with that person. Their presence makes you whole.

Marriage is making memories. You receive joy from sharing old jokes that you’ve told over and over throughout the years. Or maybe you love it when you talk about the time you first realized you were in love. You can’t think of anyone else that you would want to share these blessed times with.

Marriage is stepping out on a plank. There are no reserves because you’re giving it your all. It’s a risk worth taking because the person you’re with is worth it!

Good and Bad
Marriage is taking the good and the bad. There will be times when you think that you’re going to lose it but you’d rather take the bad along with the good because the good out weighs the bad.

Compromise (give and take)

Marriage is compromise. You give and you take but you never do just one. Both parties are willing to sacrifice to make the other happy.

Marriage is real love. You still get butterflies when your spouse smiles at you. When you get a loving text from your spouse, your eyes lighten up. You find your own smile growing wider when they give you a compliment. The love is unconditional and waking up to them, every morning, is absolutely perfect.

Marriage is having faith. Faith in knowing that this person is committed to you for better or worse, for life. Faith that your spouse will stand by you, no matter what. And faith that you will receive unconditional love.

True love goes beyond romantic feelings. It is a daily decision and a constant commitment to prioritize your spouse’s interest, welfare and happiness above yours, regardless of what your spouse does or doesn’t do.

Love is shown by the disciplined commitment to continually treat your spouse with dignity, respect, concern and care, regardless of feelings

In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, a healer rather than a causer of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer.

Make your marriage desirable with God as a third party and ensure sustainability of the initial friendship and love.

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