Which are the Right Courses to Take-Benjamin Zulu


A lot of young people are asking the right courses to take, how to know the purpose of their life, which caree paths will make sure they land jobs after that, on and on. The answer is that the mission for what you’re supposed to do with your life, and the provision for it, can only come from the commissioner. Any other source you’re consulting is high risk for getting lost for good.

You need to go for the mission briefing yourself and stop fishing for hearsay.

One day in June 1981, a regiment of Israeli Air Force was ordered to take off and fly on low altitude towards Iraq. Their fighter jets were heavily loaded with bombs but the pilots didn’t know the target. In military operations some missions are too sensitive to be disclosed in advance even to the pilots themselves. They’re given instructions on the fly and their job is to stay tuned to the command center.

A lof of that is very true about the mission of your own life. It doesn’t require genius abilities so much like it depends on connectedness to the sending authority. If your mission were to be disclosed ahead even to you there would be trouble. Leakage and sabotage by enemies, your own fears coming in, etc.
This was the back story: Saddam Husein had been secretly building a nuclear reactor to develop an atomic bomb and blow out Israel, Iraq’s perennial enemy, out of existence.

But the activity was detected on time by the legendary Israeli spy agency, Mossad. The Gedion’s Spies, as they’re nicknamed, had been strengthned and equipped by former prime minister Golda Meir, the ‘Mother of Jews,’ to weed out the many enemies of Israel across the world, notably the Nazi War Criminals. They had since carried out espionage feats that surprised the whole world because of the sheer small size of the country that was doing it. They managed, for instance, to seize Adolf Heichmann, a collaborator of Adolf Hitler, and to sneak him away from Buenos Aires in Argentina and off to Israel to stand trial. They also facilitated one of the most successful hostage rescue missions in history, the Entebbe Raid.

So the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor had to be bombed before it got operational, and for this purpose the fighter jets had been dispatched. The pilots were then briefed about their mission and precise location and then left to execute. Hopefully without getting shot downby the formidable ground-to-air missiles guarding the plant. A few hours later, the mission leader telephoned back to command center ‘My sister has delivered a bouncing baby boy,’ the code words for ‘mission successful with zero casualties.’

So the world woke up to startling news that something that nobody knew existed, no longer existed anymore. The pilots had carried out the most important mission of their lives within moments of notice just because they were closely connected to their command center.

Some things can never reach you by middlemen. Your career is not isolated. There was a back story and other events surrounding your task. You can only be guided step by step. It’s not just one name like being a lawyer or a doctor. It’s a whole operation. You just have to connect with your command center. It may take work and learning, but it’s the only way. Everyone you’re asking is just a soldier like you. Only the one who sent us can commission us.

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