Why Marriages Break Down Before One is 30 Years Old-Benjamin Zulu

If your marriage becomes a hell when you’re not yet 30, it’s almost always something to do with the foundation, as opposed to others that break due to change in fortunes in midlife, or a fateful decision by one party to walk away.
For most marriages that break down while still new you simply chose wrong either because of impatience and desperation or because of mixing up interviews with intimacy. If a car is breaking down when it’s still new the problem is usually in the manufacturing, not bad usage. New machines don’t malfunction except if they’ve been put together badly. And the solution with such machines and such marriages as well, is to recall and reassemble them afresh.
But note the difference between malfunctioning and adjustment. Before you learn how to use a machine you can think it’s broken, and before you learn to live with each other you may think you’re incompatible. The difference is that adjustment issues are solved quickly through learning and adapting. The other kind of problems are recurrent and they only get worse.

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