You Can measure the man You Want to Get Married to according to his level of income and the responsibilities he has to meet


Someone has asked me to comment on these bachelors who are working but when you visit their house it’s totally empty and lacking basic furniture. In these cases you shall measure the man according to his level of income and the responsibilities he has to meet.

If they have no significant responsibilities and still they haven’t equipped their house in any way, they’re extremely irresponsible and even if you marry them that’s how they’ll continue to behave. It doesn’t mean they should give their house a state of the art look, no. But that there should be a sensitivity to develop and become a better person.

No mature person would be working for months and there are no seats in his house. The kind of house someone lives in also says a lot. It should be commensurate with where they are in growth. Even if they’re sharing house with a friend, you must see a degree of investment in their abode.

If you ignore this trait you’ll marry someone and you have to buy everything in the house as if you’re alone.

By Benjamin Zulu

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