Youths in Mombasa Protest Peacefully, Governor Calls for Order


In a display of civic action and determination, youth in Mombasa have taken to the streets in peaceful protest, demanding government reforms and greater accountability. The protests come on the heels of recent successes, including the withdrawal of the contentious Finance Bill 2024, signaling a growing momentum among the younger generation to push for change.

Governor Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir addressed the demonstrators directly, urging them to prioritize peace and avoid any actions that could lead to the destruction of property. Speaking passionately along Ndogo Kundu road, Governor Nassir acknowledged the youths’ commitment while emphasizing the importance of preserving Mombasa, their shared city.

“I want to congratulate you for peacefully demonstrating today. Mombasa is our city, and it’s paramount that we do not harm it,” Governor Nassir stated firmly.

He praised the demonstrators for their firm stance and their independence from political influence, highlighting their constitutional right to protest for a better future.

However, Nassir also issued a stern warning in response to recent incidents of looting during protests, particularly noting the disturbances at Likoni ferry last week. “Those who engage in such practices will face severe consequences,” Nassir warned, underscoring his commitment to maintaining order and protecting public property.

Security officials echoed Nassir’s sentiments, stressing the importance of peaceful protest and the preservation of public safety. They reassured the public that measures were in place to ensure the protection of demonstrators while upholding law and order.

The protests in Mombasa reflect a broader wave of civic engagement and activism among the youth, who are demanding tangible reforms and transparency from the national government. As the demonstrations continue to unfold, leaders like Governor Nassir are playing a crucial role in guiding the movement towards constructive dialogue and peaceful means of achieving their objectives.

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