See the face behind the racket which cons people thousands in the guise of recruiting them in the Kenyan FORCES. But he walked and brought my money himself



My son completed his forth Form last year and was intended to join the Kenyan Forces through help from someone who had assured us of high end connections in the army.

The man who had introduced himself as Isaak asked us to look for sh100,000 to help coil things to see my son finally join the work of his choice.

We had to embark on looking for the money. We sold bags of maize and beans, animals and many other households to raise the amount which I eventually gave in chunks of installments.

My son was upbeat joining the police and it was also cheaper for us to see him join forces and earn our money back than secure for him an expensive university training which we couldn’t afford neither.

However, something bad happened immediately we paid the last installment of sh 45,000; Isaak’s phone went silence and we thought he was now busy pushing our agenda through offices. We thought he did not want any amount of distraction. He remained silent for the second week as we kept our fingers crossed with hopes that he will finally call back. He never.

Whenever we tried to bother, I can remember he stopped us saying calls and SMS are usually monitored in their phones and therefore was risky. He warned that if we were not going to be patient we would be the one to lose what made us apprehensive. We had to make the hard choice of remaining silent or make noise and lose the battle.However his mission had to initially take only four days but when it went into weeks we couldn’t continue holding our horses.

And three days to recruitment, my wife challenged me to call him for the last time but sadly the phone was mteja, “Nambari ya mteja uliopiga haipatikani kwasasa”. We trembled and went into a sudden silence. We were staring at each other like a statue as our son looked in disbelief. We couldn’t say anything to him. Time was counting down very fast until the eve to recruitment when we knew this man had conned us our money.

My wife cried the whole night but continued blowing hope in her that sometimes shit happens and no need to cry.

It was after the recruitmentswhen I told herthat I want to approach someone who would help see us recover our money. She looked at me and told me to stop my nonsense. She simply termed this as hot air. Seemingly she had resigned to our situation.

However, I remained firm that we must look for ways to get back our cash. I told her about Mugwenu Traditional Doctors. That he handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate prediction of one’s future. He heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness among other ailments.

The traditional doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.

She told me to give a try and I went to Mugwenu offices where he asked me how much I had lost to the conman and told him sh 100K.

He laughed and told me to remain silent as he mentioned something against the conman. He (Mugwenu) splashed some ash on my palm and told me to go wait for four days. Unbelievably, in the four days period he had mentioned, news were all over that a man who has been conning money from unsuspecting residents had run mad and running around looking for victims to refund them.

Police caught up with him immediately and asked victims to record statements. I did that and we were compensatedour money after just two weeks. The suspect is in court for sentence. Mugwenu is such a perfect traditional witchdoctor I would recommend anyday!

You can get him on +254740637248. Website – Email:

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