Rift Valley and North Rift Chapter MCSK members Want the Association to Pay Them Their Dues


Music Copyright Society of Kenya(MCSK) Rift Valley and North Rift Chapter now want the society to pay them their dues.

Led by William Getumbe they said despite their efforts MCSK has refused to pay their royalties.

“It is sad that despite numerous calls to the leaders to remit their royalties nothing has been done and we a living a poor life yet they have our money at their disposal. Membership fee is lying idle in the account and people making gain out of it and no benefit to its members,” said Getumbe.

They also accused the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) of interfering with the running and operation of CMO’S yet they have their constitution and leaders elected by members themselves.

“It is sad that KECOBO interferes with the collection yet it is a government agency withdrawal of police in collection artist collection. If the government wants to help the creative industry this is not the way to go,” he added.

They also accused MCSK of interfering with the tariffs.

“Interference with tariff from 6500 to 1500 Kenyan shillings per license yet all three CMO’s have a single license. Even the presidential token of Sh 100 million we don’t know who were the beneficiaries since registered members of CMO’s did not benefit from the same,” Francis Njoroge added.

“Regional creative centers at County level with programs relating to music and creative contents has not been constructed yet it was promised by the government but as I am talking they are nowhere to be seen,” Getumbe said.

They called on the members of parliament to set aside some funds for artists in the CDF kitty to support artists.

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