Erick reconciled with his ex-girlfriend three weeks to our wedding



I will not tell you my name for now but I have a story that I would like to share since it has been burning me for quite some time.

My boyfriend Erick has been a good man since we knew each other last year. We have done all the best together bringing up our love and nothing seemed to stop us until it occurred recently.

My hubby, just weeks to our wedding, started behaving in a strange manner and cut down his communication and,as if that was not enough, reduced our meetings. It was one of the worst experience in my life.

I really started getting worried on our state of affairs since he started hinting of divorcing me despite plans to wed.

One night, three weeks into our wedding, I was tired of his silence I decided to go to his place to find out why he did not want me anymore because his mistreatment was honestly depressing me.

I reached to his apartment, knocked the door and you will never imagine who opened the door for me; his ex-girlfriend opened the door and she was in a booty short and in a very revealing top.

“What are you looking for? You became careless and I took him back go and die,” she yelled at me as Erick remained quiet on their bed.

I was so hurt. I demanded to see my fiancée but she refused and slammed the door to my face. I was so heartbroken. My dear husband-to-be had dumped me at the eleventh hour. I went back and closed myself into my house and uncontrollably sobbed from the disappointment. I called my sister to tell her that the wedding was cancelled since my boyfriend had picked his ex over me.

“Foolish. Come on girl you do not just give up on your love just like that. You have to fight. See Doctor Mugwenu who will get back your man and the wedding will proceed,” my sister assured.

She sent me Doctor Mugwenu’s number as +254 740637248 and I called him that very night and I explained to him how my husband-to-be dumped me. He asked me to see him the next morning because he would help get my man back quite frankly.

On meeting him, he performed various spells and one of them was the Get Back Spell. He then performed another one to ensure Erick would never break up with me again. It was Free Love Spell.

In less than 24 hours of meeting the native doctor, my man came to my house and went on his knees asking for forgiveness.

“Forgive me I was conned from you but I am back. Believe that never will I do that again,” he cried remorsefully. I felt healed by his choice of words. Guess what? We are wedding in a colorful ceremony.

I advise anyone with a similar problem to visit Dr. Mugwenu. Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Mugwenu Doctors say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing.

Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, and usually within the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

The doctor also solves life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

Contact Mugwenu Doctors on: +254740637248 or visit and learn more about their services. Kindly share this story to help all men suffering out there.

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