How to protect yourself, family and friends from the surrounding enemies



Why is it that some families are always affected by problems including annual deaths while their neghbours remain untouched?
Moreso, why is it that it is only some individuals who keep complaining of bad things happening in their lives when everyone else is celebrating? The simple answer is you have missed one step in life and this step is simply ‘protection’.

Speak of the importance Protection Rituals. This cannot be overemphasized! At times you will feel like nothing is going right. It could be because of the ill intentions of an evil person thinking badly of you or spirit who only wishes “bad” things to thers.

In such situations, it is better to go for protection rituals that form a guarding shield around you. In fact, we sample kinds of such Protection Spells here.

These spells could be used to protect you or your kin who you deem to be under the influence of any evil attention.
How they work? The spells will create some protective egg or bubble around you or the person you wish to protect. This is when you are required to imagine and feel the bubble surrounding you which will thwart any unpleasant vibration targeted towards you.

And as you imagine yourself within the protective bubble, sense your vibrations are exiting through it and also that the bubble is not preventing good energy from reaching you. You have to have the firm believe that no external negative energy can penetrate
the protective bubble.

“After you have sensed the bubble around you, slowly exhale and sense your moist warm breath carrying the pure vibration – “your essence” into that bubble. You have to fill the bubble with the good vibration. Do several breathes,” Mugwenu Doctors advises
Further, you are advised to fill up your bubble with various colors as certain shades work better for different situations and times. Each color carries different vibration.

In some cases, you can even fill up your protective bubble with various protective images which resonate with your persona or specific situations. Go for specific potent symbols such as pentagram, outside your bubble to strengthen the bubble membrane. What more, you are even allowed to imagine slogans around the bubble like “Negative vibrations blocked” or “Keep out”.

“You have to assure that the protective bubble reaches under the feet & offers full coverage for your back. Stay grounded & breathe correctly,” Dr. Mugwenu added.

Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Mugwenu Doctors says one of their greatest attributes is distance healing:

“This is when we help people who are not physically present with us. It does not matter where you are, we can assist you successfully.”
One of the popular protection spells here is “Thread Bottle” spell. You will need 1 clear long-necked bottle and thread leavings (2”). The glass bottle will store the magically- charged objects. It will trap the bad energy & prevent them from reaching you. Over
time, you would fill the glass bottle with the thread snippets.

However, it must be mentioned here that the thread snippets used in this ritual must be the left-overs from the previous sewing projects & do not use fresh thread snippets. As the bottle gets filled with thread snippets, raise the energy & charge your bottle. Keep it by the side of your window.

It will create a tangle around your house to keep away thieves, burglars and other people with ill intentions from your home.

Another popular spell here is wolf-protection spell where you will have a spirit of a strong ferocious wolf protecting you from evil forces. You would need a picture of wolf, green candles, white candle, holy water, protection oil, cakes & one lunar drunk. For
details consult Dr Mugwenu at Websit.– Telephone +254740637248

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