Governor Jackson Mandago has challenged farmers to embrace the use of modern technologies – a move he says will help enhance productivity, and also ensure their products can compete on a fair ground with those from outside the country.

There have been concerns over cheap imports of farm produce like maize and wheat from neighbouring countries which negatively affects price and Mandago says due to treaties signed by the government, there is little that can be done.

He however points out that with use of modern technologies, and embracing diversification, farmers can be able to produce farm inputs that will compete with those from outside the country.

“It’s no longer tenable to stop imports because of treaties. We need to look at what we can produce that can compete with what is being produced by other countries or what is not produced rather than sticking with traditional ways,” Mandago said adding that “We can produce more maize and other produce with use of modern technologies at a far cheaper cost.

The county boss spoke when he represented the Deputy President Dr Williams Samoei Ruto in the official Launch of ACE Motors Ltd’s new dealership of construction & Agricultural Equipment Facility & TVET Training Hub at Eldoret town.

He also expressed the need for a policy change that will enable TVET students to go for upto 6 months internship before graduation – for them to be competent.

Trade County Executive Member who was also present during the event Dr. Emily Kogos, welcomed the new investment saying Eldoret was a good choice for investors due to its central location in the North Rift Economic Bloc and also for it being a central point for the East African Community (EAC).

“We also take care of 15 members of the Lake Region Economic Block and hence you made a right choice investing here in Eldoret,” she said.

On his part, Agriculture CECM Samuel Yego called on coming up with small pieces of machinery that will keep into consideration the dwindling land size.

ACE Motors Director Deepen A. Bhatt said a partnership between TVET institutions and the private sector will help make it easy for graduates to get employed after graduation.

“Graduating TVET students find it difficult to get employment for lack of experience hence need to bridge that gap,’ he said.

RVTTI Principal Isaac Bwambok on his part called on the makers of Agricultural equipment to look at how they will be serviced.

“Most mechanics are familiar with European machines, and it’s good that we train our youths for the after-sales service for the new models,” he noted.

“Government would wish to train together with the business community. It is no longer us training on our own and business community on their own – let’s train together so that whatever product you have we have somebody that can work on them,” he added.

County Executive Member for Cooperatives Esther Mutai and Kesses Legislator Swarup Mishra were also in attendance.


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