Stressed woman rants how husband wants to ditch her if she leaves for studies abroad


A woman by the name Joyce from Kakamega is stressed after her husband of 7 years threatened to cheat on her if she accepts a scholarship to study in the UK.

The troubled Jane is reported to have sent a message to a relationship counselor, Lumumba Luvai on this issue which seem to be troubling her. According to her, she had her Masters Degree before marrying her husband and they all agreed that she’ll pursue the remaining part of her academics(her Ph.D) after they have 2 children.

“Now, they have two adorable children who’re 5 and 6 years and the woman has been given a full scholarship to pursue her Ph.D. course in the UK but the man said she should not go,” the counselor revealed on consent.

His excuse is, he also has a Masters Degree and he’s doing fine so he doesn’t understand why the woman would love to risk leaving home for a PHD at the expense of the family.

As it stands, the woman’s mother and mother-inlaw have pledged their support to take care of the kids while she’s away but her insensitive husband is now threatening that should she leave home to pursue her education, he’ll have no choice but to cheat on

However, this said, what this couple could be going through is not strange, married couples the world over, go through a lot under their roofs. When you see people driving around with their wives, not all is rosy! Some could be burning inside their hearts.

I would advise Joyce and the husband to accept that education can tear apart their healthy love life if something urgent will not be done.
They have to visit Spell Casters who are good at cooling temperatures in families. The best spells for this family is FREE WHITE MAGIC LOVE SPELL.

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The process is simple. You will need 6 red candles. On the candles shape your name and the name of the person you love, light the candles and chant these magic words:

After the love chanting is complete then you may blow the candles and then again cast
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40 days your lover is changing and will stop cheating.

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