A Kenyan lady recalls how her toxic boss had been harassing her at her work Veronicah was working in a certain cosmetics processing company in Nairobi.




Despite of her being a loyal servant in t the company still she was undergoing a lot of challenges as she said her boss was such a toxic human being. Most of the times she wondered why the boss was not being involved in some wrangles with the other workers and most of the times he only thought of her.


Despite a low pay, her boss would subject her to much work something that she says gave her some headache on whether to leave the job.

“Most of the times my boss would pill a lot of work at my working desk. I never had time to rest just like my other colleagues as he really hated me something that he ever told me,” she said. At some point he would call her some abusive words and even shame her in front of her workmates something she said really demeaned her.


With that she had completely lost the morale of working in the company and she was finding some ways of getting another job where she would not be subjected to such treatment at her work place.


At some point she recalls how her boss slapped and took off her wig in front of her workmates. She never reported the case as the law would favor her. Since she wanted to protect her job, she still came the following day having faced some assault treatment from her rogue boss.


she decided to remain silence as her boss would sack her incase the story came out of their working area. She knew if she was to lose that job, then it would be a difficult task to get another one keeping in mind at that particular time it was really some hard task to get such a job.


She was not ready to undergo this kind of treatment every now and then. She came through a traditional doctor by the name Dr Mugwenu who had been providing people with long time solutions to their different life woes.


This was after she shared her harassment story to her loyal friend who referred her to Dr Mugwenu. Dr Mugwenu offered her some successful peaceful job spells and after three days where she had been to Dr Mugwenu office, her toxic boss was dismissed by the company. She was now promoted to the new acting boss after having gone through hell under her previous boss.


She had her working morale back as even her colleagues adhered to her directions as he acting boss of the company.
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