Woman says how her toxic relationship almost made her kill her husband




A day would not end when they did not argue. Mostly they argued about mere things that would have been solved with mere talk.


Her husband was an irresponsible man who liked to make decisions by his own thoughts. He never liked consulting anyone as he had in mind that his wife was a person who would not have made any difference.


Due to this they never agreed in their home at any time. She says their arguments most of the times were based on small things like food and misappropriation of funds by his husband.


“My husband would just start and argument from anything. He never gave me the chance to have my say as most of the times he had the thought that I was such a less person in terms of deciding important house decisions,” she said.


After two years in marriage they had been fighting so much but still they got to understand each other and the game went on for a long time.


At some one point the wife threatened her husband to the extent of coming close to kill him. She stabbed him on his rib using a broken piece of a beer bottle something that left him in agony.


She went to hiding for quite some time and went into hiding. After sometimes she back at her home. This clearly showed they had been in love and only that their marriage was a toxic one. Just after she was back, the same problem was on again. They had been fighting to the extent of daring to kill each other.


At one point the wife had to seek refuge from her neighborhood as things were not good as her husband had been plotting to kill her. After sometimes they solved their differences and went back to each other.
This time round she seeked some help from a traditional doctor by the name Dr Mugwenu after the relationship was each particular time getting toxic.


Through a friend she had known about Dr Mugwenu the traditional doctor where she was even given his contact information. Dr Mugwenu offered her some peaceful marriage spells that were to ensure their marriage was not prone to such domestic violence where they even plotted to end each other’s lives.


It has been an year since she visited Dr Mugwenu and they are now living harmoniously as the spells really worked wonders.


Mugwenu doctors, for instance, say one of their greatest attributes is distance healing. They will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you.


This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.
He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.


For consultations call: +254740637248 www.mugwenudooctors.com Email: mugwenudoctors@gmail.com


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