Police Arrest Four People Caught Stealing From a Lorry




Detectives based at Kendu Bay yesterday evening arrested four people caught stealing from a lorry, loaded with steel rods worth Sh1.8 million.



The lorry had been dispatched from Kisumu’s Abyssian Iron and Steel Company to make a delivery in Kisii. However, on reaching Oyugis, it diverted from the designated route and headed towards Kendu Bay.



This prompted the director of the company who was monitoring it to alert police officers based at Kendu Bay. The law enforcers acted swiftly by immediately pursuing the lorry.



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They caught up with it at Rakwaro Kamwala area, where it had stopped and the metal rods were being offloaded. On sighting the police officers, one of the thugs dressed in police jungle uniform fired at the officers as he disappeared in darkness, towards the shores of lake Victoria.



However, four of his accomplices identified as Byron Apollo Ochieng, John Omondi Ochieng, Bernard Otieno Owuor and Quinter Otieno were arrested at the scene and escorted to Kendu Bay Police station for questioning.



A police certificate of appointment, I.D card and a national hospital insurance card were recovered at the scene. Also recovered were a police smoke jacket and a police beret. Police are investigating whether the documents are authentic and whether they could be linked to the armed suspect who fled the scene.




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