How I Won The Tough DNA Case 


I had a man out of marriage around the time I conceived my last born but I ended it as soon as I realised
I was pregnant. The interesting is that the baby resembles me so my husband has never suspected and
honestly neither did I until last year.

In a random conversation with my friend who doesnt know the real father to her child, we started
talking about blood types and how its important to know for your family members. So I excitedly told
her I'm type B my husband type O and baby type A.

Then she told me that that's not possible. That a B and an 0 can't have a type A child. That statement
shocked me to the core. I was so stressed I dont know what to do. Been trying to ask my doctor friends
if the statement is true but Im too afraid to think of a DNA. Or to raise suspicions with the my the man I
had outside the marriage by asking about his type.

However, I gained courage and informed him that he was the biological father of my child. He angrily
spitted venom at me and pinned me down stating that the child wasn't his. I pushed him to wall and
demanded that we go for a DNA test which resultantly indicated 99.9% that he was the biological father
of my child.

I was acting all this without the consent of my husband since it could be messy and unbearable if he
would have known it. The guy still refuted the DNA results and insisted that the child wasnt his. I
decided to seek legal intervention and because he had money, he bribed the Chief magistrate presiding
over our case and ruled in favour of him.

I was so depressed and this drawn me into dilemma situation. Fortunately, a friend who had a similar
case but won directed me to seek Dr. Mugwenu’s indulgence. I visited Mugwenu's offices and he
attended to me perfectly. The following day, my lawyer called me informing me that he had appealed
the case and this time round, the court ruled in my favour.

The guy was directed to take full responsibilities of the baby and provide all the basic upkeep to the
child. The guy is wholeheartedly supporting the child and my husband doesnt know anything.
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