Unemployed Kenyan graduate narrates how he opted for an odd job to stay afloat



Gachie had been hawking masks and handkerchiefs at Machakos bus station. He really had been looking for a job for a long time but things were not on his side as he decided to do the hawking for a living.


His mother’s business had been brought down due to covid 19 condition while on the same hand his dad lost his job after corona virus had been declared a national disaster by the government. He had nothing else to do in life rather than venturing into the business to at least have some money for sustainment.


His mother’s job was not enough to feed the family and so he had to put his hand into their daily basic needs providing.


“I decided to take hawking after realizing the prospects of getting a job in Kenya was just a mere illusion. The subsequent outbreak of covid-19 further worsened the situation after both my parent lost their jobs leaving me with no option but to take things on head,” he said.


He said he was practically grateful for having earlier tried odd jobs while still at campus something that had really helped him face the real wrath of lack of jobs among Kenyan youths.


He was always armed with zeal and that defied all odds that made him do the business with no fear most of the times. “I resolved never to sit back and emphasize with my situation as many graduates do after attempts to seek paid employment hits a snag.


I did not want to sink into despondency that early take to crime and substance abuse as many would do after they fail to secure a source of income, “he said.


On a normal day he was making close to 1200, an amount he says is a tidy wage for daily upkeep. In a month he would save up to ksh 15,000 money that really helped him solve his life needs and at the same time send his aging parent s back at home as they had lost their jobs after the pandemic came into the country.


He kept on struggling but knew one day things were to be fine as that was only a tough path that really prepared him for a good future ahead. He happened to meet this traditional doctor Mugwenu from his popular website www.mugwenudoctors.com where he even contacted him as he really needed his assistance.


He wanted t venture into business as that was what his future depended on. Dr Mugwenu casted successful business spells to him. He started his own business selling electronic appliances from the money he had saved and so wonders.


His business developed within a short period of time as his shop developed to a top entity in Nairobi and famous electronic shop in town. He even changed his career path and focused on the business instead of his academic career path.


Dr Mugwenu says his spells work within 24 hours. He solves problems ranging from winning court cases, winning lottery, family protection and property protections and he might also foretell ones future.


He heals various diseases like TB, syphilis and manhood problems. Distance healing can also work so it is a better way of saving high costs of transport and so on. Connect with him on – +254740637248 email mugwenudoctors@gmail.com website www.mugwenudoctors.com

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