Two Suspects of Drug Trafficking Arrested Along Garissa Road in Thika

Police have arrested two suspects of drug trafficking along Garissa Road in Thika
The operation which was conducted by DCI’s Special Service Unitsaw the seizure of 89 bales of cannabis sativa, when a Nairobi-bound lorry christened Rhino Cement was intercepted.
Two suspects Hassan Adan Maalim, 25 and Shedrack Maangi, 35, were arrested in the operation.
The SSU sleuths were acting on an intelligence report, of a notorious criminal syndicate that guises as serious builders of the nation, while trading in the illegal drug from Wajir using branded vehicles.
Upon interception, search and confiscation of the stowed stockpile, the two occupants and the KBS 601 M Mercedes Benz were escorted to DCI Headquarters, where the Anti-Nacortics detectives took over the case for further investigations.
The lorry has since been detained and the rest of the exhibits processed by Crime Scene Investigators, as the two suspects await arraignment tomorrow.

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