Kipkabus Boys High School Closed Down Indefinitely


Kipkabus boys High School in Uasin Gishu County has been clossed down with immediate effect after students went on strike.

According to Kipkabus Location Chief Jeremiah Mugo Kipkabus Chief the students were complaining thta their Ugali was not properly cooked.

“What happened is that students torched their dormitory very early Sunday morning at around 8am while other students had gone to church, the students were complaining of poorly cooked Ugali,” the Kipkabus Chief said while speaking to the press.

The chief reiterated that students arranged the mattresses on the roof of the dormitory thereafter torching it instantly.

“While their collegues had gone to church the students the students used student’s mattresses to torch down the dormitory. We have started investigations and all those who were involved will be brought to nilkam, ” he added.

No student was injured during the incident.

The school which has a population of 243 students was clossed indefinitely .

The fire was contained before extending to other buildings.

School’s principal Silas Wanderi said he was not at the school when the incident happened.

“It’s sad that our students torched down their dormitory, I want to condemn the incident with the strongest terms possible, we are not taking it lightly and all those who were involved on the same will face the full force of the law,” said the Kipkabus Boys principal

He said some students who were involved in the act have been arrested.

“Some few criminal elements among the students who started incitement were arrested are trying police on investigation,”he said.

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