Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and One Kenya Alliance (OKA) principals’ campaign vehicles have caused public uproar with claims that they belonged to the state.

On Sunday, October 31, OKA principals Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka were spotted during campaigns in Githurai riding in a car whose registration number caught the attention of Kenyans.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga had earlier been seen in a car with number plate that traces some pattern during his past campaigns.

Speculation later became rife regarding the vehicles and with some Kenyans accusing the leaders of using state cars for their campaigns.

“Government vehicles for OKA and ODM? Or it’s just a coincidence? KCY 473H KCY 474H KCY 475H,” questioned Soi Member of Parliament Caleb Kositany.

“Are Raila and OKA funded by the state or the number plates are a coincidence? Are we funding them?” Wondered about another user identified as General Kago.

Joining the debate, Jubilee Party’s activist Polycarp Hinga, however, justified the use of alleged state cars by the politicians arguing that they were entitled to the benefits.

He noted that both Mudavadi and Kalonzo had held the position of Vice Presidents and were entitled to post-office benefits which include luxury cars.

“Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka and Hon. Musalia Mudavadi are former Vice Presidents of this country. As such according to the Retirement Benefits Act the state is required by law to provide them with two saloon cars not exceeding 2000cc and one SUV not exceeding 3000cc every four years.

“The same applies to people like Willy Mutunga and Maraga, does that mean they are government projects for 2022 as well?” He noted.

He further added that Deputy President William Ruto was using his Karen home for campaigns although it was handed to him by the state complete with salaried workers.

“Putting aside the fact that those complaining about vehicles and number plates use government vehicles, staff paid by the taxpayer and have turned the official residence of the Deputy President of The Republic of Kenya into their party headquarters and campaign center,” he added.

Raila has previously found himself on the receiving end after he toured Suna East in Migori County in early August 2021.

His convoy caused jitters in rival camps as he made his entry aboard an official government vehicle. A debate ensued on whether the car had been assigned to the former Prime Minister who does not occupy any government office.

Courtesy of Iano Tingeet

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