People who seek legit relationships inevitably take long to settle

People who seek legit relationships inevitably take long to settle because they’re keen on quality and not just having anyone.
During this time their strategy doesn’t make sense to a lot of people and they may come under criticism as being perfectionist or unrealistic. But then they eventually find what they insisted on and suddenly people are coming to them for advise on their ‘secret.’ People want the fruit but they hate the root. Foundations matter. You must decide early on what kind of marriage you seek and be prepared to wait and patiently search until you find it.
Doesn’t mean that all who choose carefully are always successful in marriage, but it tremendously increases the chances of doing so. Mindfulness and being particular with the life you want will help you in all decisions of life and not just marriage, including where to live and the kind of house to live in, the type of cloths you wear or the schools your kids go to.
Don’t let anyone deceive you that marriage is random and it depends on luck. You have decisions and choices to make as well.
By Benjamin Zulu

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