Kirinyaga Women representative Wangui Ngirici Speaks After DP Ruto Motorcade was Stonned in Kondele


Kirinyaga Women representative Wangui Ngirici has condemned the Kondele stoning of deputy president William Ruto’s motorcade.

Ruto is currently in Kisumu for his presidential campaign.

“What happened today in Kondele during DP’s tour is not only barbaric but unfortunate and unwarranted. This comes barely two months after Jimmy Wanjigi was stoned under similar circumstances,” he said

He called on the police to arrest all those involved.

“But I have a message to the perpetrators that they cannot stone their way to statehouse. Let’s learn to listen to our opponents.
I therefore implore the Directorate of Criminal Investigations – DCI and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to investigate this ugly and malodorous incident. Ni Azimio la Mawe ama la umoja?????,”

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